Shizuka Hiratai is a mangaka who manages to win the yearly manga and light novel contest put on by Shimizu Publishing House, a well-known publisher in Japan, with her shojo romantic dramedy Break The Ice. She is also a huge fan of perhaps Shimizu's most well-known manga, a seinen action/fantasy/horror series known as Uncontrollable Battle, and comes to know its author, Michi Anzai, very well over the years. She also begins a relationship with a fellow winner of the same contest, a writer named Takeo Furihata who submitted a light novel series called My Girlfriend's Past Life, that hits many road bumps along the way. When her work booms in popularity, she begins to take on assistants, including a younger girl named Akari Kunugi who has ambitions of making her own manga one day. Can she balance work, her editor, a love life, and her story over the years, or will she break down?