The story follows a young woman, the daughter of a billionaire owner of a massive company. Her older brother, the golden child of the family, is poised to inherit the business when their father retires. Although she's always been indifferent to her grades, content to live in her brother's shadow, her life takes a drastic turn when he dies under mysterious circumstances in a car accident. She doesn't believe it was an accident and sets out to uncover the truth behind his death.
With her father too old to manage the company, the responsibility falls to her. However, with no experience or desire to lead the business, she's forced into an arranged marriage with the heir of a rival company. The two young heirs, both very , must now work together to merge their businesses, facing not only corporate challenges but also the tension of their forced partnership. As she delves deeper into the mystery of her brother's death, she discovers dark secrets that could shatter both her family and the company she's inherited.