8 parts Ongoing Not every love story has a happy ending...
In a world where love is not always enough, Akshara and Abhimanyu's love story unfolds with the passion and fire of two souls destined to be together. But as life and destiny have their own plans, their journey isn't as simple as it seems. Akshara, a young woman stepping into a new chapter at NYU, finds herself drawn to Abhimanyu, the mysterious and elusive son of the NYU chairman. Their chemistry is undeniable, yet the world they live in is filled with complications, misunderstandings, and forces beyond their control.
This isn't a fairytale, and not all love stories are meant to have happy endings. As Akshara and Abhimanyu fight for their love, they are forced to face the harsh realities of life, where happiness is fleeting, and dreams often slip through their fingers. Will love be enough to overcome the odds, or will destiny tear them apart in ways they never imagined?
This is a story of love, loss, and the journey of discovering whether it's possible to love so deeply, only to lose it all. Will the heartbreak be worth the love they once shared? The ending is uncertain, but one thing is clear - this love will change everything.