Zinnia, an orphan with striking sky-blue hair, lived in the quaint town of Clinton, nestled in the countryside. Her beauty was matched only by her love for nature and her dream of becoming a painter. Zinnia harbored a secret crush on her childhood friend, Roy, with whom she shared countless adventures in a hidden garden.
One fateful day, while reaching for her beloved painting stick, Zinnia slipped and fell into a lake, nearly drowning. In a heroic act, Roy leaped in to save her, but everything went dark. When she regained consciousness, Zinnia found herself lost in a mysterious black-and-white forest, shrouded in shadows and uncertainty. Determined to find Roy, she embarked on a perilous journey filled with unexpected twists and encounters that would test her courage and creativity. Will Zinnia uncover the secrets of the forest and reunite with her friend, or will she be forever trapped in this monochrome world?