Two teenage girls, Lexi and Dakota, find themselves in the same psychiatric institution-Lexi after a failed suicide attempt, and Dakota after a long battle with an eating disorder. The two are placed in adjacent rooms and, at first, they barely acknowledge each other, both caught in the silent battles of their own minds. Lexi is withdrawn, still grappling with the guilt and pain that drove her to her breaking point. Dakota, on the other hand, wears the facade of control, but her obsessive struggle with food and body image is slowly destroying her from the inside out.
When their paths begin to cross, the two girls form an unlikely, fragile bond. They share their darkest thoughts and fears, finding solace in each other's pain, yet struggling to trust one another. As they both begin to unravel the traumas that brought them to the brink, the institution's strict rules and the ever-present threat of relapse complicate their growing relationship. As they reach the breaking point, they must decide: will they be able to save each other, or will the pressures of their pasts pull them under for good?