In an alternate reality where the Fourth Hokage, Minato, and Kushina Uzumaki are alive, Naruto Uzumaki's life is far from ordinary. Born with a destiny shrouded in mystery, Naruto's family harbors an ancient secret: his two younger sisters, Miyuki and Reiko, have inherited the Kyubi's chakra, while Naruto himself holds the Kyubi's soul and 1,500 years' worth of knowledge. But with great power comes great peril. The Toad Prophecy looms over Naruto, predicting that he will be a force of destruction unless he accepts his fated role.
Despite his immense potential, Naruto has been neglected by his parents and the village, overshadowed by his sisters' growing powers. Abandoned by those who should have supported him, Naruto turns to the Kyubi's wisdom, training himself, uncovering lost techniques, and preparing for the day he must break free from the prophecy's grasp.
As Naruto struggles to control his growing abilities, his bonds with his family are tested, and the very fate of the world rests on whether he can defy destiny. But as dark forces stir, seeking to exploit his sisters' chakra and the Kyubi's power, Naruto must confront not just his own inner demons, but the harsh reality that the future of the entire ninja world hinges on his choices.
Will Naruto embrace his true potential, or will the curse of the Toad Prophecy seal his fate forever?
The Story of Izuku Shimura: the Son of Gogeta and Nana Shimura
9 parts Ongoing
9 parts
The story of the Dragon Hero Izuku, this story will start off with a Origin story first then start with izuku so sit back and enjoy
Hey Guys this will be my first attempt at a story I have read a lot of stories about DBZ/DBS crossover to My Hero Academia that are great so i trying my hand in it.
*Do not own any of the characters shown in the story all rights of that go to their respective creators.*