King Boun, the 29-year-old ruler of the mystical kingdom of Meridian, and one of the three sons of the former King, possesses extraordinary magical powers inherited through his royal bloodline. His kingdom thrives under his rule, but he hides a secret-one that could shake the foundation of his reign. He is deeply in love with his most loyal servant and confidant, Prem.
Prem has served King Boun since they were young, having been raised in the palace as the son of a noble family loyal to the crown. Over the years, their bond has grown into something far deeper than friendship, though neither of them has ever confessed their feelings. Prem admires Boun for his strength and kindness, yet he keeps his love hidden, knowing his position and status would never allow such a relationship.
Despite their unspoken love, Prem has always supported Boun, using his intelligence to help the king manage both court politics and his magical abilities.
The turning point comes when Boun is pressured by the royal council to marry to secure an heir to the throne. Although Boun respects his duty to the kingdom, his heart yearns for Prem. As the council pushes for a royal engagement with a foreign princess, Boun finds himself torn between love and his duty to his kingdom.