In the magical kingdom of Axtria, sixteen-year-old Caelia navigates a world filled with secrets and untapped potential. Once blind, she was healed by a boy when she was nine, who she believed to be an ordinary commoner. Unbeknownst to her, he is actually the prince, hiding his royal heritage. Not being able to remember his face he becomes nothing but a mere "nobody" who she thinks about every day. Caelica's closest friend, Maleek, shares her love for magic, and together they explore the kingdom while honing their abilities.
As the prestigious Axtria Exam approaches, which will determine Caelia's magical future, she is excited yet anxious. Their participation leads to unexpected revelations, uncovering noble intrigues and ancient prophecies that challenge her views on friendship and love. As Caelia faces the trials of the exam, she discovers profound truths about herself, her connection to Harry the boy of the past, and the power she holds.
story of magic, self-discovery, and the complexities of the heart. Caelia must confront her destiny amid love and conflict, ultimately learning to embrace her true potential and the secrets of her past. Will she find the strength to shape her future, or will past shadows overwhelm her?