In the mid-1960s, Zion Lawerence, a ruthless and ambitious man, created a sibling singing group that would rise to fame-The Lawerences. The group consists of three sisters: Desiree, the oldest at 8 years old, and twins Courtney and Collette, who just turned 6. Zion sees in his daughters the key to his dreams of fame, pushing them into the spotlight from an early age. What begins as a father's innocent dream to create something great quickly turns into an unforgiving quest for success, one that creates sacrifices from his young daughters.
The Lawerences became a sensation, their catchy pop-soul hits making them international superstars. Behind the glamorous facade, the sisters' lives are anything but easy. Their mother, Paloma, once a stunning beauty with her own musical aspirations, falls victim to a crippling drug addiction.