Title: "The Immortal Legacy of the Mortal Archer" Summary: Robin Hood, the legendary mortal archer, is more than the myth history remembers. In the 13th century, he becomes a lone protector of a forest overrun with monsters, his unparalleled skill with the bow surpassing even the goddess Artemis herself. When Artemis and her Huntresses investigate the strange disappearance of monsters in the forest, they encounter Robin, initially mistrusting him as just another mortal man. However, Robin reveals his noble cause and the sanctuary he has created-a hidden camp offering refuge to demigods and mortals seeking peace from the dangers of the world. Artemis, intrigued and moved by his courage and selflessness, slowly comes to admire the mortal who shares her disdain for selfishness and cruelty. Against all odds, their bond deepens into something neither of them expected. But destiny is unkind. In a fierce battle against a descendant of Hercules, Robin sacrifices himself to protect those he swore to defend. With his dying breath, he entrusts his bow to Artemis as a symbol of his enduring love and loyalty. Heartbroken, Artemis cherishes the bow but refuses to grant him immortality, enraged by humanity's relegation of Robin to mere myth. Centuries later, Robin's story does not end with his death. As the modern era unfolds, he is reborn at the same moment Percy Jackson enters the world, once again as a mortal but forever connected to the goddess who dreams of him. Now, as gods and monsters rise again, Robin's legacy as the greatest mortal archer continues to inspire-and his love for Artemis might yet shape the future.
4 parts