In a bustling modern city, Din, a kind-hearted young man, finds himself yearning for the childhood friend he lost touch with, Mei. Struggling to make his dreams come true and reconnect with her, Din stumbles upon a magical, wish-granting dragon named Long, trapped in a centuries-old teapot. With Long's help, Din embarks on a journey to fulfill his wishes-wealth, success, and, most importantly, the chance to bring Mei back into his life.
But as wishes come true, Din soon learns that the things he thought he wanted may not be what he truly needs. As he reconnects with Mei, he discovers that her world is now filled with wealth, expectations, and secrets-leaving him questioning if their friendship can ever be the same.
With the guidance of Long and the lessons learned along the way, Din is forced to face his deepest desires and find out what truly matters in life. Will he chase after his dreams of riches and fame, or will he realize that some things in life are worth more than wishes?
A heartfelt adventure of self-discovery, love, and the true meaning of happiness, Wish dragon: A Tale of Dreams and Destiny is a magical journey that will make you believe in the power of friendship, second chances, and the wishes we make from the heart.