Genre: Romance, Action
Kim Taehyung, a powerful and feared mafia leader, unexpectedly falls for Jeon Jungkook, a sweet and innocent young man. As their whirlwind romance unfolds, dark secrets and hidden connections threaten to tear them apart.
Taehyung's possessiveness and anger issues simmer beneath the surface, while Jungkook remains oblivious to the danger lurking nearby.
Park Jimin, Jungkook's best friend, harbors secrets of his own, including his relationship with Min Yoongi, the mafia's big brother.
As tensions rise and loyalties are tested, Jungkook must navigate the treacherous underworld of the mafia.
Will Taehyung's love be Jungkook's salvation or his downfall?
- Forbidden love
- Danger and suspense
- Loyalty and betrayal
- Self-discovery
- Kim Taehyung (Top): Mafia leader, possessive and hot-headed
- Jeon Jungkook (Bottom): Innocent and sweet, talkative and cute
- Park Jimin (Bottom): Jungkook's best friend, secretive and loyal
- Min Yoongi (Top): Mafia's big brother, powerful and commanding
This description captures the essence of the story, highlighting the romance, action, and suspense that drives the plot.
Jungkook is new, yes, new to a school. He meets Taehyung, he doesn't hate the guy but the guy hates him.
What if one day, Taehyung decided it would be a good idea to make Jungkook his fake boyfriend, not knowing the younger likes him and it's slowly breaking him knowing that the older was using him to make someone jealous?