Rudraksh Khanna, captivated by Adira Sharma's Instagram profile, never expects to meet her in person. But when their paths cross on a train, he takes the chance to talk to her, only to be met with her cold attitude. Their encounter sparks a chain of events as their families, caught in a bitter feud, force them into close proximity. Amid family tensions, Rudraksh and Adira are pushed to confront their growing feelings for each other.
As their lives become more entangled, they must decide whether to give in to the pull between them or stay loyal to their families. Will love be strong enough to unite them, or will their families' rivalry tear them apart?
Rudraksh said with a tear in his eyes, "I'll stand by you, no matter what."
Adira replied, her voice soft but firm, "You don't need to fight for me, Rudraksh. I'm already here."