"Does he love me? Does he love me not?"
Men, both a blessing and a curse. Especially when it comes to me. One man will stumble into my life, make things awful, then leave. Next another one will come, make things better, give me love...then leave. Why? Why do they always leave? Even the ones who hurt me. I hate when they leave. I hate when I'm alone.
My name is Cyrus. A typically guy, nothing special, but I'm not a nobody either. I'm rather in the middle, a perfectly average guy. My brother on the other hand, he's popular, a jock. My friend, she's confident, a leader, and my lover? Well, holy hell, there are too many to tell.
My life has been turned upside down with bullies, players, charmers, and more. From what I've learned, I'm not sure love is even worth all the struggle, but god...when he looks at me...with those eyes. I feel something burning inside... something...