"Celebrity Crush" follows the turbulent love story of Pablo, a rising Jamaican artist with a dangerous past, and Aaliyah, a strong-willed young woman who finds herself swept into his chaotic world. What begins as a passionate romance quickly unravels as Pablo's ties to dangerous associates, old promises, and violent enemies threaten their future together. As Aaliyah navigates the challenges of being with a man torn between his love for her and his loyalty to his past, the couple is forced to confront the harsh realities of their relationship. Amidst breakups, betrayals, and the constant fear of danger, Aaliyah's pregnancy adds new layers of complexity, making their struggle for a peaceful life even more intense.
Will Pablo choose his love for Aaliyah and their child over his ties to a dangerous underworld, or will the past prove impossible to escape?
Horror story's for the twisted, insane, crazy, die-heart fans of both BTS and horror
*cough* Like Me! *cough*
Not for the faint of heart!!!
If you can't handle bloody or mature content, then please don't read.
STARTED: 6.24.18
ENDED: 8.15.19