Hello viewers! This is a redo of my other one. I know I have been out for a long time but let me explain. School problems, since I come back really late I can't log on Wattpad, because in that time my imagination turns off, and I need some rest. Also, I'm trying to sleep more, eat, take care of myself, and have less time on the Internet, since it can affect my mental, emotional, and even physically health.
I appreciate y'alls support, I really do, and this time I'll try my best on this book. Of course, I can't promise I'll update every day, maybe it can happen days, weeks, or even months! It depends if I'm good for updating.
I have also been learning how to write! School and Chai made me learn, haha. If there is any grammar mistakes then is either my autocorrector, the dyslexia, bad english, or just normal typos of mines. Well, bye viewers! I'll see you in the chapters!!! Thanks for reading.
Started Date: Nov/18/2024
Finish Date: ___/__/____