Your name is Y/N M/N L/N,you and best boy have been dating for 2 years you joined the Team a year after you and best boy start dating. You have powers like WandaVision, Telekinesis-move and destroy objects with your mind,mind control-control the mind of others, nightmares- can cause others to have nightmare, teleportation, Flight, healing, levitation, energy blast, Reality,warping and etc....
Your not that good with your powers,your still try to work them out. You love your team,they are like a second family to you. You don't really get to see your parents and family that much because you're always busy and so are they they live busy life too, but you guys do make time out of the day till he talk to each other to see each other once in a while.
You love everything about your life,you love that you're a superhero and get to help people.