12 parts Complete MatureKane (2025) is a poignant and gripping tale set against the backdrop of a world in turmoil. In 1999, the quiet town of Havenbrook, Pennsylvania, is home to the loving Ace family-Alistair, Marissa, their eight-year-old son Kane, and their loyal dog, Rusty. Their peaceful life is abruptly shattered when the United States is invaded by Russian forces, plunging the nation into chaos and war. Alistair dies heroically in the line of duty, while Marissa and Rusty perish in a devastating explosion that leaves Kane as the sole survivor.
Sent to live with a foster family in the UK, Kane struggles to adapt, his heart consumed by grief and a burning desire for revenge. As the world criticises President Donald Summers for his relentless fight against the Russians, Kane fiercely defends the president's stance, creating tension with his new foster family. Feeling misunderstood and isolated, Kane runs away, seeking a way to join the fight and honour his parents' memory.
Life on the streets of London is harsh and unforgiving. Kane falls in with a group of older boys involved in drugs and crime, his health and spirit deteriorating as he navigates a world filled with violence and addiction. By the age of thirteen, Kane's obsession with the escalating global conflict fuels his anger and despair, leading him down a dark path from which he may never return.
Kane (2025) is a compelling story of a young boy's journey through unimaginable loss, survival on the streets, and the relentless search for justice and belonging in a world torn apart by war. This novel explores the depths of human resilience, the scars of conflict, and the enduring hope for redemption.