Sonic, Rouge, and Amy are thrown together during a high-stakes mission to recover a mysterious Chaos Artifact. The artifact, which holds the power to manipulate time and emotions, is being pursued by a shadowy organization bent on reshaping the world. Sonic is driven by his loyalty to protect everyone, Amy wants to prove her worth to Sonic, and Rouge initially seeks the artifact for her own gain, until she learns its dangerous potential.
While journeying through perilous landscapes, ancient ruins, storms at sea, and a sprawling city under siege, Rouge starts showing her vulnerability, revealing her loneliness masked behind her confident persona. Sonic finds himself drawn to her strength and intelligence, feeling an emotional connection he's never felt before. Amy, noticing the growing bond between Sonic and Rouge, struggles with her feelings of rejection and a sense of loss.
Meanwhile, the shadowy organization begins targeting the trio directly, using the artifact's fragments to manipulate their emotions and force them into their darkest memories. This leads to tense moments where Sonic relives his failures, Rouge confronts her guilt, and Amy questions whether her love for Sonic is truly reciprocated, or if it's simply an obsession.
please go read Manifested (by me) instead, this is probably done, I am focusing my time and effort into that, as it excites me more
2nd on Roxanne wolf x male reader!
17th on Roxanne wolf
2000 reads omg!