Kartik Goenka has lost his whole world after losing his wife. Now, his only world is his son and new born daughter. That's when he meets Naira's look alike and builds a hope in his heart only for it to shatter when he realises it's not Naira but a boxer named Seerat Shekhawat.
He promises himself to not meet Sirat because seeing the same face he fell in love with ends up hurting him more but destiny has some other plans. Little Kairav understands Sirat as his mumma and cries for her so Kartik has no option but to propose to her. Which she rejects!
So Kartik forcefully marries her for the sake of his kids. He promises himself to not fall in love with her and she takes an oath to hate him forever. But as their time passes together, Kartik finally seems to realise that the feelings he was burying thinking it was just because she was Naira's look alike, were not cuz of that but for how Sirat was. He had fallen in love with her. And Sirat, who promised to hate him sees a new side, a depressed man who tries to hide his pain behind his smile, ending up falling for him for who he is as a person.
Finally, both set their differences aside and start their journey on a new note being blessed with a gift, their Aarohi.
And that's when Naira returns.
Naira wasn't dead, came as a huge shock. Being away from her family and struggling for her life, she was finally happy to get back home only to get heartbroken finding the man she loved not only married her look alike, but set a family with him and gave her the position of mother for her kids. Her love for him changes into hatred and pain. The story of Kaira struggles on a bitter note and Kairat suffers cuz of it.
Kartik, who's stuck between a woman he loved and a woman he grew to love, both the same by looks but still different where he can't lose either of them.
Naira, who's been lost in the longing to meet her husband and kids only to get shocked with this harsh truth.
Sirat, who's left to fear the future.
SEASON 1 - 6
crownsmist, 2022
cover by @norasnetflix
spanish & french translations are in my reading lists!