In the wretched, crime-ridden, & dismal city of Anchan lies an 11 year old girl with only one purpose in life: to find and save her beloved Onu, who was viciously taken from her by the occupied forces. ... Unflinching, and a little cocky, now 19 year old Naomi Barrett stands at the top of her class at Chaldea, an elite academy built for training ruthless, meticulous soldiers. Naomi has always known she will remain at the top of her class, until a frustrating, mysterious new cadet arrives, threatening to kick her off the podium. He has a mysterious past and questionable motives. No one seems to know who he is or where he came from. But one thing is becoming increasingly clear; he has gotten under Naomi's skin, and she plans to stop at nothing to remove the threat that is Rhett Adler.All Rights Reserved
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