Krane, a young and talented strategic mastermind, is transported to Remnant, the world of RWBY, and must navigate the complex world of military conquest and warfare. Armed with his C&C game knowledge and his own unique abilities, Krane must summon his military units, including some girls, and lead his army against the Grimm, the White Fang, and the various factions of Remnant as he tries to unite the world under his rule and become the ultimate military overlord. Along the way, he faces countless challenges, makes unexpected allies, and learns valuable lessons about leadership and sacrifice. The fate is on his hands now. (Disclaimer: I did not own anything. All videos, images, music & gif belong to respected owners) (Warning: The Story contains Strong Languages, Gore/Murder, Violence and Sexuality under the age of 18+) (Shy Femboy OC X C&C: General X RWBY X Lolita Harem)