Jamie and Al-Baydah are two sisters from a renowned wizarding family. Despite being close, the sisters are sorted into different houses: Jamie, clever and inquisitive, joins Ravenclaw, while Al-Baydah, ambitious yet fiercely loyal, finds herself in Slytherin. Their differences only enhance their bond as they captivate the school with their intelligence, charm, and kindness. Students and professors alike admire their vibrant personalities, and the sisters seem destined for greatness.
However, darkness begins to creep into the wizarding world. Whispers of the Death Eaters' return circulate, and Al-Baydah, with her Slytherin ties, becomes a target for recruitment. Barty Crouch Jr, hiding under the guise of Professor Mad-Eye Moody during the Triwizard Tournament, begins manipulating Al-Baydah, preying on her ambition. She is tempted but ultimately resists, thanks to Jamie's unwavering faith in her and a heartfelt intervention that solidifies their bond.
When Al-Baydah proves herself incorruptible, Barty shifts his focus to Jamie, exploiting her vulnerability as a younger, less experienced witch. Using dark curses, possession, and manipulation, he sabotages Jamie's health and mental state during the dangerous tasks of the Tournament, for revenge of rejection. Al-Baydah, unaware of the full extent of Jamie's suffering, fights valiantly through the tournament and wins, only to discover the horrifying truth: her sister is on the brink of death, cursed and weakened, a pawn in the Death Eaters' game.
The reveal of Barty Crouch Jr.'s true identity sets Al-Baydah on a warpaths, gathering allies from both Slytherin and beyond to face the Death Eaters. Through a perilous journey, she battles to save her sister, venturing into dark magic to find a cure for Jamie's afflictions. In a climactic showdown, Al-Baydah confronts Barty Crouch Jr, outsmarting him and ensuring his capture. Her love and sacrifice ultimately heal Jamie, who recovers just in time to see her sister's heroism.