"Shadows of the Green Witch" Trilogy follows the untold story of Elphaba, the misunderstood witch of Oz, as she seeks redemption and revenge after the destruction of the Heart of Oz. Initially driven by anger and betrayal, Elphaba embarks on a journey to restore balance to a land ravaged by corruption. As she uncovers dark secrets about the Heart and its origins, she is forced to confront her own past and the choices that shaped her. Throughout the series, Elphaba struggles between vengeance and the desire to rebuild, ultimately discovering that the true battle lies not just in healing Oz, but in reconciling with herself. With betrayal, love, and shocking twists at every turn, this high-stakes tale explores power, redemption, and the blurred lines between good and evil.
After the emergence all the eternals went off and lived their own lives.
15 years later, y/n, the child of Druig and Makkari, lives a great life with both her parents and her aunt Thena. Their powers are time travel and the ability to read minds/ emotions (but not control them). Y/n has only learned to travel seconds and minutes but they want to do more.
What happens when y/n is practicing to time travel back years without anyone knowing? What happens when they go back in time to before the emergence and can't get back to present day?
Eternals x reader.
Using they/them pronouns (you can change them if you want)
There's not gonna be a love interest for the reader.