In the divided world of Astraleth, where magic determines status and worth, two regions stand in stark contrast: the opulent Celestira, home to the powerful Altani elite, and the shadowy Umbrosia, where the impoverished Ravkan struggle to survive.
Kael Ravic, a Ravkan with the rare ability to manipulate Soulfire, dreams of proving his people's value, while Darian Velarion, a noble Altani gifted with Astral Dominion, begins to question the justice of his society.
As Kael and Darian move from rivals to allies-and eventually to something deeper-they uncover the truth and unite against a corrupt system. Together, they spark a rebellion that threatens to upend their world.
But in a land of deep-seated hatred and unequal power, can love and hope forge a new Astraleth, or will they be consumed by the flames of war?