Meet Isamu Shiro, an otherwise ordinary boy who has an obsessive favor for superheroes. Shiro always expected to live an ordinary life, but this expectation soon changes upon his fateful encounter with his school's notorious misfit, Takeshi Aki. Upon meeting this supernaturally powerful girl, Shiro's life is flipped upside down, as he is thrust into a world of bitter struggle and ever- ensuing conflict. And with a mysterious, entity breathing at they’re very heels, Shiro and Aki must work together if they hope to survive the dreaded onslaught of never-ending peril. With what strength Aki has, Shiro sees inspiration, and hope in her ability to become a full-fledged hero. With immense responsibility thrust on her shoulders, Aki must come to grips with “who” and “what” she truly is, as she combats against this deadly menace that threatens their very existence. But with the heart-wrenching, horrors and consequences that accompany her actions: Will Aki buckle under the immense suffering, or will she be able to rise as a symbol of hope? Open the page of destiny, and witness the most profound superhero tale never told. (WARNING: This story contains scenes of intense violence and heavily, adult themes. Viewer discretion is advised.) Written & Illustrated by: Ryan W Lai