The story centers around two teenage girls, one named Lorelei and the other named Cora. They are two girls from two different worlds: Cora, who is rich and lives with her mom, and Lorelei, who is poor and lives with her father. Both lose a parent in diverse ways and then go through hell via the parent who stayed to look after them. As Casey fakes her death, and Derek leaves Ella, these situations make Jaylen and Ella abuse their daughters. It was even worse when he met Ella and Cora, and began to abuse Cora even more so after the wedding. Despite their shared ordeal, Lorelei and Cora found solace in each other as they confronted the abuses perpetrated by their biological and stepfamily members. The question lingers: Can they escape their dire circumstances and pursue their dreams? Or will they be trapped, unable to break free from the cycle of violence? Join us on this gripping journey to discover what lies ahead for them. Please bear with me; this is my first time writing, so please give my story a chance. Warning: Has graphic Rape, Sex, miscarriage, Child Abuse, and a brutal death scene involving a baby dying; read at your discretion.
7 parts