Lingling Kwong, a hardworking, shy, and awkward yet determined woman, has spent years striving to secure her younger sister's future after losing their mother and being abandoned emotionally by their father. Working under the wing of the powerful Sethratanapong family, Lingling has risen to a prestigious position in their company. Her life has been a series of sacrifices, and now that her sister has achieved her dream of becoming a doctor, Lingling believes she can finally live for herself.
However, her world is turned upside down when her benevolent former boss, Mr. Sethratanapong, approaches her with an unsettling request: to marry his daughter, Orm Sethratanapong, in return for his past kindness. Trapped between gratitude and shock, Lingling feels obligated to agree, despite her reservations.
Orm, on the other hand, is a spoiled rich kid with a penchant for defiance. Recently coming out as queer to her parents, Orm is secretly in a toxic relationship with a manipulative boyfriend who's using her for money. Her parents, exasperated by her reckless lifestyle, see the arranged marriage as a way to ground her and bring some stability to her life.
Thrown together in an unexpected union, Lingling and Orm couldn't be more different. Lingling's awkward nerdiness clashes with Orm's fiery extroversion and sharp tongue. But as they navigate the complexities of their forced relationship, they begin to uncover sides of each other that no one else has ever seen. Lingling discovers the vulnerable heart behind Orm's brash exterior, while Orm learns to appreciate the quiet strength and resilience of Lingling.
What starts as a marriage of obligation slowly evolves into a journey of self-discovery, healing, and true love.
The one where Dean doesn't die on a rusty nail, and after some hospital mandated therapy and a late-night showing of the movie "Backdraft" on tv, he decides to become a firefighter.