Title: Crimson Strain
Description: In the heart of a city that never sleeps, shadows run deeper than the night, and an ominous strain of mystery pulses through its veins. When a series of brutal murders shakes the city to its core, investigative journalist Ellis Grant is drawn into a dangerous labyrinth of secrets. Each clue he uncovers points to a hidden society shrouded in myth and a strange, crimson symbol left at every crime scene.
As Ellis delves deeper, he realizes that this isn’t just a story—it’s a dark conspiracy that reaches far beyond the present, with ties to an ancient curse and a hidden power that some would kill to possess. But the closer he gets, the more his own life spirals into danger, and soon, Ellis must confront the grim truth: to survive, he might have to become part of the very darkness he's been hunting.
With betrayal around every corner, Ellis faces a haunting choice—unearth the sinister truth behind the Crimson Strain or risk losing everything he holds dear. Will he survive the shadows, or will he be consumed by them?
If you love Sin city or Zodiac you will surely love this story..