Description: Destined Hearts
In a bustling city, two lives from entirely different worlds cross paths, setting into motion a chain of events neither could have anticipated. Aarya, a bright and determined student with dreams of becoming an author, leads a life defined by simplicity and ambition. Veer, a brilliant lawyer on the cusp of a perfectly planned future, is bound by societal expectations and an engagement to another.
As their journeys intertwine, they face a whirlwind of emotions, conflicts, and choices that challenge their perceptions of love, loyalty, and destiny. Over the course of 50 chapters, their story unfolds through moments of serendipity, heartbreak, resilience, and unexpected joy.
Through the highs and lows of their evolving relationship, they discover the power of connection, the courage to defy convention, and the strength to embrace an uncertain future. With rich character development and intricate storytelling, this epic narrative explores the complexities of human relationships and the unyielding pull of fate.
A tale of love, sacrifice, and ultimate redemption, Destined Hearts takes readers on a journey of self-discovery and enduring hope-one that will leave them captivated until the very last page.
A student professor arrange marriage romance 。*♡✧*。
✧She was his gravity , his fucking planet and he was lost without her ✧
Arrange marriage ✓
Age gap ✓
Student × Professor ✓
Grumpy × Sunshine ✓
Slow burn✓
Jealousy ✓
Green flag ✓