When world-renowned actor Muichiro Tokito wakes up in a hospital bed, the aftermath of his overdose overwhelms him like the cameras he's spent most of his life in front of. A scandalous video of a moment with a fan went viral, thrusting him further into the public eye. His management team demanded he maintain his image: take his prescribed medications, undergo therapy, and continue working-despite the cracks in his facade. But Muichiro has a secret life with his own drugs and spiraling emotions that even fame can't mask.
The only savior in his unraveling world is the unknown Genya Shinazugawa, a longtime friend who knows the real Muichiro beyond the tabloid headlines. As the two navigate the harsh glare of the spotlight together, their bond begins to shift, revealing a love that could either save Muichiro or shatter them both.
Celebrity AU
Genya - 24
Muichiro - 22
#3 genyaxmuichiro
#4 genmui
#8 genyashinazugawa