Soren Amari, a 16-year-old prodigy with a magnetic charm and a mysterious past, possesses a Quirk known as Djinn Equip: The Seven Wonders. This extraordinary ability allows him to summon powerful Djinns, each granting him a unique set of abilities. With elemental control over fire, wind, lightning, water, sound, and even life itself, Soren's Quirk is a game-changer. But his powers come with a cost. With each Djinn he summons, Soren faces a new set of challenges-both physical and moral. While his leadership skills and charisma quickly draw others to him, his tendency to challenge the status quo and push boundaries may create tensions among his classmates, especially those who view him as a potential rival or a threat. As Soren navigates life at U.A., he must balance his thirst for adventure and growth with the weight of his secretive past and the immense responsibility of his abilities. Will he become a hero the world can trust, or will his reckless pursuit of greatness lead him down a darker path? In a world where Quirks define who you are, Soren Amari's Quirk is a force of nature-and only time will tell if he will rise as a true hero or fall into chaos.
2 parts