Beneath the shimmering waves of the East Sea lies Seonghwa Academy of Magic, a haven for magical beings hidden on a mystic island cloaked in enchantments. The academy stands at the heart of the Hwaeom, a vast network of ley lines that channels energy across the magical land of Korea. Protected by the academy's inhabitants-vampires, werewolves, fairies, druids, pixies, and wizards-the Hwaeom ensures the harmony of magic and nature.
But darkness looms. An ancient force known as The Veil, banished centuries ago, stirs once more. Its aim: to unravel the ley lines, consume the magic of the Hwaeom, and plunge the world into chaos. At the center of the coming storm are two unlikely souls: Jeon Jungkook, a newly turned vampire fledgling, and Kim Taehyung, a loyal and fierce werewolf. Their bond is the keystone of the Hwaeom's stability-and its greatest vulnerability.
A/n: English is not my first language so sorry for any grammar mistakes you find in the story. Thank you for your support.
Since in every PatHen fanfic, that I have read, is boring and not what I like. I have taken it into my own hands and will be sharing what I would like in these fanfics. The oneshots will be mostly requested by me but you can request if you want. You don't have to though.