Shadows in the Forest In a secluded forest village inhabited by werewolves, tensions rise when Jin, the future alpha leader, brings his human best friend, Yoongi, to spend the summer holidays with the pack. Yoongi's calm demeanor and charm earn him the approval of most of the villagers, but not everyone is so welcoming. Taehyung, an omega with a sharp tongue and fierce loyalty to his friends, immediately distrusts Yoongi, viewing him as an unwelcome outsider. Meanwhile, Yoongi tries to brush off the cold treatment, determined to enjoy his time in the village and explore the lives of its enigmatic inhabitants. As the summer unfolds, Yoongi and Taehyung find themselves repeatedly thrown together, uncovering secrets about each other and their shared connection to the village. Amidst jealousy, suspicion, and undeniable chemistry, the two must navigate their growing understanding while the shadows of the forest hold mysteries neither of them expect. Will hostility give way to friendship-or something deeper? Only time will tell in this tale of trust, bonds, and the beauty of the unknown. Top Tae ;DAll Rights Reserved
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