The Kingdom of Eryndor, once united under the wise and powerful King Eldric, lies in ruins after the treacherous poisoning of the king. Following Eldric's death, rival noble houses plunged the realm into civil war, each vying for the throne. But rumors swirl that Eldric survived, hidden away by loyalists or cursed to return when the kingdom is ready to heal.
The Shattered Crown, a symbol of the kingdom's fractured past, holds the key to restoring Eryndor, but it has been lost to time. To reclaim the throne, an heir must find three legendary relics: the Heart of Eldric, the Blade of the Fallen, and the Eye of the Seer. Yet as the battle for power intensifies, dark forces-both mortal and ancient-stir, threatening to plunge the kingdom deeper into chaos. Only a true heir can unite the broken crown and restore Eryndor, or see it fall into eternal darkness.