Those Days is a heartwarming coming-of-age tale set against the vibrant backdrop of college life. The story follows Ananya, a shy and talented artist who steps into the bustling world of campus life, carrying her sketchbook as her only companion. Navigating through initial awkwardness, she finds an unexpected bond with Riya, a bubbly and extroverted classmate who quickly becomes her best friend and biggest supporter.
As Ananya's artistic talents gain recognition, she begins to bloom, stepping out of her comfort zone. Along the way, she meets Aditya, a quiet and charming photography student, and together they discover a shared love for visual storytelling. Their connection grows into a tender, unspoken attraction, but misunderstandings and insecurities test their fragile bond.
Through moments of joy, heartbreak, and self-reflection, Ananya learns to embrace her strengths and confront her fears. With Riya's unwavering encouragement, she finds the courage to express herself, not just through her art but also in her relationships.
At the heart of Those Days is a celebration of friendship, love, and self-discovery. As Ananya bids farewell to her college life in an emotional speech, the story comes full circle, leaving readers with a hopeful reminder that the end of one chapter is merely the beginning of another.