20 parts Ongoing Mature. The Chosen Ones follows the journey of five ordinary teenagers-Zohar, Raiden, Kirashi, Kaito, and Shigenori-who live typical lives until a twist of fate reveals their true destiny. United by an ancient prophecy, they discover that they are the "Chosen Ones," destined to wield immense powers and protect the world from an emerging evil.
Zohar, a headstrong teen with Afro braids, Raiden, with his unique split-colored hair, and their best friend Kaito, who is calm and calculating, find their lives changed forever when they are drawn into a battle against forces beyond their understanding. Kirashi and her younger brother Shigenori, who both hide their true strength behind their school personas, soon join them.
Each of the five wields elemental powers tied to ancient forces-fire, water, ice, air, and even acid. But as they navigate their newfound abilities, they must also face the weight of their responsibilities and the dark entities that threaten their world.
With fate, friendship, and sacrifice at the heart of their journey, The Chosen Ones is a tale of growth, trust, and the fight to preserve balance in a world where both gods and demons lurk in the shadows, waiting to strike.