Abhir Birla Sharma, a talented yet reclusive singer, returns to India after years of absence, carrying the scars of a painful past. His mother, Akshara, a beautiful and gifted singer in her own right, was wrongly accused of murdering her own sister, Aarohi, and thrown out of their ancestral home when she was pregnant with Abhir's younger sister.
The traumatic event had separated Abhir from his mother, leaving him with a deep sense of loss and abandonment. Now, he's back in India, driven by a desire to uncover the truth about his family's dark past and find the justice his mother deserves.
But what he discovers is more shocking than he ever imagined. A sister he never knew existed, Abhira, who is vibrant, lively, and yet, bears the same scars of their family's troubled history.
As Abhir navigates his complicated past and his newfound relationship with Abhira, he must confront the secrets, lies, and betrayals that have haunted his family for years. Will he find redemption, forgiveness, and love, or will the weight of his family's legacy tear them all apart forever?"