Felix, the heir to the Black Vipers mafia empire, has lived his life in shadows, trained to kill without question. His latest mission is his most critical yet: eliminate the daughter of his family's greatest rival, the Crimson Fangs. But when Felix infiltrates enemy territory, he discovers Adrianna-the innocent, unassuming college housemate who couldn't possibly be involved in the dark world he's been raised to hate.
Unbeknownst to him, Adrianna isn't the target he's searching for. Hidden behind her sweet demeanor lies a web of secrets, and the true threat to Felix's family might not be who he thinks.
As Felix's heart betrays his mission and forbidden love blooms, alliances blur, and danger closes in. When the truth about Adrianna's family and her twin sister, Arianna, comes to light, Felix must choose between his loyalty to the Black Vipers and the woman who's stolen his heart.
In a world where betrayal is currency and love is the ultimate weakness, can Felix and Adrianna survive the deadly game they've been thrust into-or will their kiss be their undoing?