In a world reshaped by the dawn of Quirks-extraordinary superhuman abilities-the first spark of change came in the Chinese city of Qing Qing, where a child radiated light from their body. From that moment, humanity began evolving in unprecedented ways, with nearly 80% of the population manifesting powers that ranged from the miraculous to the bizarre. Society adapted, forming a new superhuman structure where Pro Heroes stood as paragons of hope and justice, battling villains who sought to exploit their gifts. But in this vibrant world of heroes, not all powers were created equal. Arashi Nakamura was born into a modest family, and is part of the dwindling 20% of humanity believed to be powerless. For years, he accepted his fate, resigned to a life in the shadows of larger-than-life heroes like All Might. Arashi admired them but understood that without a Quirk, he could never stand among them. Until one day he was bitten by the Radioactive Spider... My Hero Academia is owned by Kohei Horikoshi Spider-Man is owned by Marvel ComicsAll Rights Reserved
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