The Untold Love follows Xingtie Lyiera, a gifted material artist from a prestigious clan, and Xiue Lu Qas, a prodigy ninja from a wealthy family, as they grow up together from childhood into young adulthood. Although they are connected through their shared training and friendship, neither realizes the depth of the other's feelings. Lyiera quietly harbors a crush on Lucas, but he remains oblivious, focused on his own path and the expectations of his family.
As they mature, both Lyiera and Lucas struggle with their emotions. Lucas is driven by the need to prove himself to his family, while Lyiera, despite her growing strength and beauty, remains shy and unsure of how to confess her love. Their paths grow increasingly distant, even as their bond deepens. Lyiera finds comfort in her friends, Qier Yung and Yuu Wique, while Lucas relies on his closest friends, Hàorán and Xue Míngzé, to navigate his complicated feelings.
The tension culminates when Lucas, at the peak of his success, finally realizes how much he loves Lyiera-too late. After a climactic moment where their clans face off in a final competition, Lucas confesses his feelings, telling her, "I love you, even if the universe falls apart." But Lyiera, though touched, reveals that she had already learned to live without him.
This story is about love left unspoken, growing through regrets, and the slow realization that sometimes love arrives too late-
Z tym zawsze się kojarzyłam, jako trzecie dziecko pewnej zacnej rodziny. Rodziny, w której matka uznawana była za anioła (którym nie była), a ojciec był znanym, szanowanym rycerzem (który wcale się tak w domu nie zachowywał). Wobec czego można śmiało powiedzieć, że moja rodzina nie była normalna, więc i ja nie mogłam być.
Dlatego też, by wywinąć się z niechcianego małżeństwa, umówiłam się z dawnym przyjacielem (który czasem był moim wrogiem). Mieliśmy sobie pomóc, wesprzeć się, ale... coś nie wyszło tak jak powinno.
Tak, kłopoty na pewno się ze mną wiążą.
Ta cudowna okładka została wykonana przez @AnnaZawia