In a future where Earth has been "restored" to a pristine natural state, humanity has been exiled to orbiting stations and distant colonies. The wealthy elites, known derisively as the Toff, have claimed Earth's beauty as their own private trophy, dismantling every human-made structure and hiding Earth's legacy under lock and key. Forbidden and off-limits to all but a select few, the planet has become a myth, a dream, and for some, an obsession.
Callen is a deliveryman scraping by in the underbelly of Earth 2, a gleaming satellite that serves as both a counterweight to Earth's space elevator and a paradise for the Toff. His odd jobs bring him close to their world but never let him touch it. One job takes him to the Terminal Village, a medieval-style settlement at the base of the space elevator, where he learns of a tantalizing rumor: a hidden vault deep in the Rocky Mountains, filled with priceless relics from Earth's past.
Driven by desperation and a growing defiance against the Toff's control, Callen begins piecing together fragments of truth about the vault. To reach it, he must navigate Earth's untouched wilderness, avoid detection, and unravel the secrets the elites have buried. But the deeper he delves, the more dangerous his journey becomes-and the more he realizes the vault's treasures might hold more than wealth. They could hold humanity's forgotten history... or its final undoing.
In this gripping blend of dystopian adventure and treasure-hunting intrigue, The Last Vault explores the meaning of ownership, legacy, and the lengths we'll go to reclaim what was lost. Perfect for fans of speculative fiction and high-stakes heists, this is a story of forbidden worlds and the resilience of those who refuse to be forgotten.
Y/N is one of the few to survive Addwaitya's mass genocide against the people of Ledgerdomain, with the help of his parents he fled to Earth to escape the mad tyrants wrath but his parents weren't so lucky.
One day Y/N's life would change after he discovered a powerful device called the "Ultimatrix", maybe one day he will grow powerful enough to retake his home world from the evil Addwaitya.
Disclaimer: I DO NOT own the art used in this book and all rights go to the owners!