Set after the events of Gabatrix: Veleshar, Earth stands alone, as most of the human race have long abandoned the planet. The remaining human survivors are left to fair for themselves, having been handed over to the T'rintar clan as a bargaining chip for the UWA/T'rintar alliance. Earth remains a toxic wasteland, made barren by the deadly pollutants, ashen fallout, and Orange Muck that perforates the oceans and water supplies.
However, many of the Earthers have not given up. The survivors continue to live off the landscape despite being left out of the bargaining table. A lone rancher, scavenger, and opportunist prepares to embark on a journey that few dare to try as they continue to live under the confines of their dome sanctuaries.
Story Contains: Space, Science Fiction, Future, Sex, Love, War, Swearing, Action, Fighting, Violence, Interspecies, Male Human, Female Alien, Anthro, Human/Alien Sex, Survival, Intercourse, Consensual Sex, Impregnate, M/F, M/F