In the fantastical yet perilous world of Remnant, four extraordinary young women-Melanie, Keisha, Neon, and Zoey-embark on a journey to become Huntresses at the prestigious Titan Academy. But their training takes an unexpected turn as a dark and ancient evil rises, threatening to consume their world.
As Team MKNZ, they'll face harrowing trials, test the limits of their abilities, and confront enemies lurking both outside and within. Together, they'll discover that the strength of their bond is their greatest weapon.
Melanie Hale: "Keep up, or get out of my way. I'm not slowing down for anyone."
The confident and fiery leader who refuses to back down, even when the odds are stacked against her.
Keisha King: "I won't let my past define me. I'll fight for a better future-for all of us."
A quiet yet determined fighter, her shadowy semblance hides a heart full of hope.
Neon Piper: "Life's too short to play it safe. Let's make some noise!"
The team's cheerful spark, she brings light to even the darkest moments with her energy and unshakable optimism.
Zoey Knight: "Winning isn't just about strength. It's about strategy-and I've got plenty of both."
The disciplined tactician with a sharp edge and an even sharper blade.
When the stakes rise, Team MKNZ must rise with them. Will their courage and camaraderie be enough to face the encroaching shadows-and the secrets threatening to tear them apart?