In a realm where gods, titans, and mortals battle for supremacy, Perseus, the son of Lupa, the Mother of Wolves, and Chaos, the Primordial Void, embarks on a journey to discover his place in the universe. Gifted with unimaginable power and tasked with mastering the domains of Creation, Time, Life, Modesty, Kindness, Power, and Immortality, Perseus walks the razor-thin line between destruction and salvation. As the second most powerful being in existence, he must navigate a world rife with ambition, betrayal, and cosmic conflict, balancing his chaotic origins with his mother's wild yet disciplined wisdom. Perseus's story is one of identity, responsibility, and the eternal struggle to wield infinite power without losing the essence of humanity-or the wolf-within.
Percy didn't know how he managed it, but here he was: The boyfriend of Artemis and the only male staying with the hunt. It's been great, but even he has to admit: Artemis isn't all that great at being a good partner.