At Hogwarts, amidst the rivalry of houses, two hearts beat in secret. Jisoo, a cunning Slytherin, and Lisa, a brave Gryffindor, had fallen for each other in the shadows, where love defied the rules of their world. Jisoo never expected to fall for someone like Lisa-fiery, bold, and everything Slytherin taught her to distrust. But love, powerful and unpredictable, swept them both away.
Whispers of their forbidden love echoed through Hogwarts' halls, and the fear of being discovered loomed over them. Still, despite the dangers, their love only grew, stronger than the houses that sought to keep them apart.
In the end, it was a love that could either burn brightly, in defiance of everything, or be extinguished by the very forces that tried to tear them apart. But for now, they had each other, and in the hidden corners of Hogwarts, that was enough.