"Project Engelchen" follows the harrowing childhood of Dolly-May Ishii, the genetically engineered daughter of infamous scientists Shiro Ishii and Josef Mengele. Created through forbidden experiments to be the epitome of human perfection-intelligent, strong, and beautiful-Dolly is a prodigy who excels academically but remains emotionally starved. Desperately seeking the love and validation her fathers withhold, she spirals into jealousy and violence, eliminating anyone she perceives as a rival for their attention. Yet beneath her brilliance and cruelty lies a broken soul grappling with her own humanity, questioning whether she can rise above the wreckage of her creators' ambitions to find her own purpose in life.
Content Warning: This story contains themes of self-harm, emotional abuse, child abuse, neglect, sexual themes, suicide, references to Auschwitz, references to Unit 731, angst, and murder.
a story based on alot of different smp things jimmy has done including last life,3rd life, empires. jimmy who is a secondary year 10, 15 year old boy is a normal not very popular boy, he has a few friends, tango and grian. oh and his sister lizzie. Jimmy's life would be okay if he didn't have a crush on the quite popular, scott smajor.
scott wasn't seriously popular he just hanged around with pretty mean people that liked to get others feelings down.
oh and enougher thing Scott's whole group are rather homophobic and Scott wants to keep his reputation safe which means not falling for jim.
(this story is based on alot of things like heartstopper. this is all fake and not real. I don't ship them irl only story)