Title:The Dragon's Healer
Dive into a world where the lines between reality and madness blur in the mystical novel"The Dragon's Healer."Set against the backdrop of the enigmatic Canglong Mountain,this tale follows the journey of Ye Long,a prodigious doctor disguised as a humble medic in a psychiatric hospital.
Ye Long,a master of both traditional medicine and arcane techniques,finds himself trapped in a world of the mentally ill,tending to the eccentric and the outlandish.Among the patients,he encounters the enigmatic Fu Di Guo,who claims to be the wealthiest man in the nation,and Chu Fengzi,a man who believes himself to be a master of war gods.As Ye Long navigates the challenges of his unusual practice,he discovers that each patient holds a piece of the puzzle to his own past and the truth about his father's mysterious disappearance.
When an old foe,Qi Xiang,reappears with a bitter ultimatum,Ye Long is faced with a choice that will change the course of his life.With the help of his unconventional patients and a legacy left by his enigmatic mentor,he must navigate a web of deceit,power,and hidden medicines to unveil the secrets that bind them all.
"The Dragon's Healer"is a gripping narrative that explores the depths of the human psyche,the power of ancient wisdom,and the unbreakable bonds of family.It's a story that will captivate you with its blend of suspense,mysticism,and the unyielding spirit of a hero determined to heal not just the body,but also the soul.
#2 New Moon Series
_An enemy of an enemy is a friend_
I have yearned for a mate ever since I learnt of one. Thoughts about having someone who would love me unconditionally plagued my mind every night.
Entering the werewolf unraveled many secrets and I eliminated all the filty lies from the clean truth. I was alone in the human world and an outcast in the werewolf world.
The day my father decided to accept me was the day I ran away and straight into the arms of his enemy─the Dark Alpha─who was my mate.
My world shattered into pieces when I found out every single truth that was buried deep underneath. I had the jewel everyone searched high and low for, and because of that, I was most wanted.
And the day I decided to leave my true nature behind... His enemy came for me─the ruler of demon wolves.
_Keep your friends close and your enemies closer_
Throughout the miserable, tormenting years I've never met a women so beautiful as her. My beautiful mate. My beautiful weapon.
Like me, she's broken in her own ways. I wanted to glue all those shattered pieces together, carving and molding it into my little wolf.
The fact that she's my mate didn't change the past. Her father killed my father, leaving me as a broken child forced into training to rule the empire. To continue my father's legacy. To seek revenge.
I grew up developing a hatred for hybrids─mixed breeds─I never intended to fall in love with her, nor did I intend to hate her. And yet I did both, but chose one over the other in the end.
But my plans took a huge turn when I found out that I wasn't the only apex predator around.