In the war-torn continent of Ubrea, a bard goes to extreme lengths to compile information about an infamous but disgraced knight known to the majority of the world as the Lioness.
Guillermo Sela is an experienced bard, but his years of knowledge and wisdom have not prepared him for this request. He has often been asked to tell stories, but never biographies or reports. Upon the request of a highly respected new queen, he is sent on a journey across Ubrea to collect information on the Lioness, a formerly respected, but now scorned knight. As he follows in her footsteps, he learns far more about life and death than he bargained for.
This story is based on the roleplaying game, Dungeons and Dragons. Enjoy!
Author's Note: In this edition, I have removed unsavory details to protect younger readers, but it may still contain dark themes. Also, please know, this book is updated more slowly. I write the mature version first and rewrite for younger readers afterwards.