Kim Minjeong, once a distinguished student at one of Yangsan's most prestigious high schools, finds her life abruptly upended after an altercation with her classmates. Despite her physically fragile and emotionally vulnerable nature, she relies on her sharp intellect and resourcefulness to emerge victorious. However, her triumph comes at a great cost, leaving her reputation shattered and her future in jeopardy.
In response to the incident, Minjeong is transferred to an exclusive juvenile detention boarding school, a secluded institution designed to rehabilitate children deemed "imperfect" by society. The facility, with its strict rules and isolated environment, proves to be a harsh new reality for Minjeong. Feeling trapped and desperate to reclaim her freedom, she devises a plan to escape.
During her attempt, Minjeong crosses paths with Yu Jimin, a charismatic and enigmatic prefect at the facility. Their encounter marks the beginning of an unexpected connection that will challenge Minjeong's perceptions of herself, the institution, and those around her.
Y/n Lestrange and Matheo riddle hate each other from the moment they meet but the tension tells us otherwise
enemies to lovers
slow burn
might be some smut but tell me if you want some
and i dont know who created matheo riddle or theodore nott but i created lola malfoy